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Beatriz Rodríguez

Healer and Channeler

Spiritual Medium

Master in Akashic Records 

Trainer and Author

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My story

I have always liked to understand how the world works. Since I was little, talkative and very curious, I asked everything. I suppose that curiosity was what led me to spend several years of my life in an engineering school.

After learning about the material world, I decided to explore other realities and went to an arts school where I studied design. Right and left hemispheres were beginning to understand each other, creativity and logic working as a team. I opened my own design and communication studio and I was able to see that indeed you can make a living from art. Along the way came yoga, meditation and many healing and personal development techniques. My interests were refocused and I decided to open a Holistic Center where I could do my therapies and organize courses and activities.

Little by little, I learned to love myself, my fears faded and gifts emerged. Then came the Akashic Records and with them my connection super conscious with the invisible world.

A strong impulse made me move and continue understanding the mechanisms of the human and the divine, so I traveled, almost always alone and I discovered that I was accompanied all the time. First it was Europe, then India, Canada, Mexico and almost all of South America. In that path I learned to trust in myself and in life, which in reality is all One.

Through the Akashic Records I have studied the mechanisms of creation of realities of the human beings, energetic patterns and limiting beliefs that we carry from life to life through our family systems. In recent years I have conducted more than 2,200 Akashic Coaching sessions and have trained hundreds of people. This experience has led me to see clearly how we all create our own reality from the conscious and above all, from the unconscious. This understanding has prompted me to look for tools to heal in order to shine from the Being, which is where happiness resides.

I currently reside between Switzerland, France and Spain and I continue on my path, learning from the experience. I am dedicated to disseminating knowledge and personal development tools through individual Akashic Coaching sessions, workshops and talks. I investigate the multiverse and enjoy simply Being.


Connect with me by email, WhatsApp or through my social networks.

+34 617 944 759

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